KTH, Lund University, Chalmer University, Luleå University have joined forces with The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and the Swedish Transportation Administration (Trafikverket) and founded a new national road engineering competence centre (KCV).
”Road engineering is a multi-disciplinary field today, and enhancing the sustainability of road infrastructure is its main driver for development. The long-term financial support by the Swedish Transportation Administration for the new KCV centre will give a stability for academics to invest and engage in such a dynamic research field and will ensure that Sweden, in the long run, can become an international frontrunner in the subject”, says Nicole Kringos, professor in highway engineering at KTH and director of Road2Science.
Nicole Kringos is also the project coordinator of the new centre at KTH.
Find out more about the new competence centre at Trafikverket.se